Despite controversy surrounding the Bayer Corporation’s popular birth control brand Yaz, which contains the hormone drospirenone, the company has released a similar product under the name Safyral, which contains 3mg of that same hormone.
The difference between Yaz and Safyral is the addition of folate, which is a form of vitamin B that aids against neural tube defects in a fetus in case the birth control fails and a pregnancy occurs. Although this is practical in case of unplanned pregnancy, it does not change the fact that the birth control is based on a hormone that has proven to be unsafe to many women.
Some of the life-threatening side effects that women have experienced while taking drospirenone birth control include blood clot, heart attack, stroke, and gallbladder disease, with these serious side effects manifesting even in women who are otherwise completely healthy. Yaz markets itself as an effective birth control that also treats some other common health concerns for women, such as acne and excessive PMS. Safyral and a similar product Beyaz are using the same marketing scheme by promoting themselves as birth control with bonuses.
Although not enough tests have been run on the new drugs to accurately determine whether or not they will cause the same serious side effects of Yaz birth control, they contain the same primary ingredient and will likely put customers at risk before they are completely informed. Unfortunately the Food and Drug Administration has agreed to approve this new product despite the evidence showing that it could be detrimental to women’s health.
If you're one of the thousands of women injured by Yasmin birth control, it's important to know your rights. Consult an experienced Yaz Lawyer who can help you. Time is of the essence, as the statute of limitations can prevent valid claims from ever reaching the courts.
If you're one of the thousands of women injured by Yasmin birth control, it's important to know your rights. Consult an experienced Yaz Lawyer who can help you. Time is of the essence, as the statute of limitations can prevent valid claims from ever reaching the courts.