Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Yaz linked to Gallbladder Disease

The serious and life-altering Yaz side effects have contributed to the growing number of Yaz lawsuits including: Blood clots, Cardiac Arrhythmias, Stroke, Heart attack, Gallbladder Disease, Pulmonary embolism, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Sudden death. The most common serious Yaz birth control side effects is Yaz gallbladder disease. For many otherwise healthy young women who take Yaz and Yasmin, a diagnosis of gallbladder disease comes as a complete shock.

Side effects of Yaz, Yasmin and other birth control pills that use the progestin drospirenone could increase the risk of Yaz gallbladder disease by as much as 20% when compared to older oral contraceptives, according to a new study by Canadian researchers. Many of these otherwise completely healthy individuals have had to undergo emergency Yaz gallbladder removal. 

Yaz gallbladder disease refers to the inflammation, infection, gallstones, or any obstruction of the gallbladder. The gallbladder, when properly functioning, stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver. Bile (vital in the digestion of fats) is then released by the gallbladder into the upper small intestine or duodenum.

Drospirenone-based birth control had a 20% increased risk of gallbladder disease, while the next highest rate went to norothindrone-based birth control pills, which carried a 10% increased risk. Desogestrel-based pills had a 5% increased risk.

Researchers combed through a database of 2.7 million U.S. women who used contraceptives over an 18-month period. They found that all newer birth control pills carried some increased risk of gallbladder disease when compared to levonorgestrel, but the increased risk of Yaz and Yasmin gallbladder disease was twice that of any other.

Many young women suffering from Yaz gallbladder disease eventually have such chronic and extreme symptoms related to the condition that they have to undergo complete gallbladder removal (“cholecystectomy”) in order to alleviate the symptoms and function on a normal level. However, post-surgical recovery and life without a major digestive organ can impact these women, many as young as teenagers, for the rest of their lives. Victims suffering from the adverse side effects of Yaz are highly advised to contact an experienced Yaz lawyer as soon as possible.

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